I Read Past My Bedtime Mixed Media Collage Clock


read past beadtime feature

Talk about serendipity, this poor 10 x 10 mixed media canvas has been through it!  I wanted to use up more of my “grannie glasses” that aren’t strong enough for my eyes anymore (boo hoo).

When I went through my drawer (that is stuffed to the top) that is labeled “paper collage elements” I found a print out of a face that I used in another “grannie glasses” assemblage that sold last year at Sunrose Gallery.


So I painted the canvas a pretty soft lavender and attached the printout of the face and used magazine font letters to spell out the saying that is so cute:

“I read past my bedtime”

After the collage looked how I liked it, I wanted to seal the face with a thin coat of Mod Podge.  BIG MISTAKE!  The face bubbled and wrinkled even after it was completely dry.  RATS!

The only thing to do was start on the face from scratch, however I couldn’t find my original face image anywhere in my photos.  So I peeled off all the face and wondered what image I could use that would match my saying “I read past my bedtime.”  Suddenly remembered a paper clock that was stuffed in my clock parts drawer.  AH HAH!

paper clock front

I had the idea for these self standing paper clocks years ago.  I loved the idea, but the public evidently didn’t “get it”.  LOL  I thought they would be cute on a book shelf…a whimsical paper clock. Oh well.

paper clock back

So I tore off the back and cut the bottom so the clock fit the 10 x 10 canvas.  I found a complimentary  printable clock face that I purchased on Etsy and downloaded it to print.

After some shading to simulate the night shadows, and my signature swirls the mixed media was recuperated and I could breathe a sigh of relief.  All I had to do was poke a hole in the center of the clock face and add a mini quartz clock movement.  YAY!  Sometimes serendipity works out just fine.

read past beadtime feature

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