Beaded Garden Plant Stakes Tutorial

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I got inspired to make these garden plant stakes after my hubby and I finished a big project….making an elevated garden bed.


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This was a really fun project that resulted from us watching a Youtube video.  We went a little overboard making the elevated bed wider than the video and so we had to stabilize it more…and we added the casters.




If you click on the above photo it will take you to the video.

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You might be wondering what the black mat is on the top of the soil…we lined the top with 3 rolls of “Scat Mat” to keep the neighbors 10 cats out of it!  Some of the seeds can be scattered on top of the scat mat because the spinach and lettuce will be cut  above the roots.  However, since I am planting things and my husband doesn’t know what is where until the seeds sprout, I needed to mark my territory LOL.


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I need to get to Dollar Tree to get more aluminum wire that comes in lots of colors. Each package will make 3 plant stakes if you start with 18″ long wire.

Step One:  Start with 18″ wire

Step Two: Make a swirl at the top to hold the tag.

Step Three:  Slide on big hole beads.

Step Four: Hold a pencil at the bottom of the last bead and twist a loop to trap the beads.

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EASY!  I have some black annealed 16 gauge wire that I used to make the other plant stakes.   However the annealed wire rusts easily so the Dollar Tree aluminum wire is better.

I used white shrink plastic for my tags without shrinking it.  If you don’t have access to any white or light colored plastic, I found a good way to make water resistant tags.

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Coat a piece of cardstock with three coats of dishwasher safe ModPodge.  The tag will stand up to the rain.

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The plant stakes are so easy and inexpensive to make they would make great gifts!  With Mother’s Day just around the corner these would make a pretty gift for your gardener mother.

etsy mother's day gift feature




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